LegacySports-ItsNotJustAGame_slideWe are excited about a new competitive athletics program for area homeschoolers.

In the 2015-16 school year for ages 12 and up, we will offer:

  • Girls’ Volleyball
  • Boys’ Basketball
  • Girls’ Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Softball
  • Track


Please use the form to make sure you are on our mailing lists for tryouts and clinic information.


Girls’ Volleyball Information

  • 2015 Volleyball Clinics

    June 22 – 24, 9:00 AM – 12:00PM. Cost: $30/day or $75 for all 3 days

    July 20 – 22, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Cost: $30/day or $75 for all 3 days

    While it is not mandatory to attend these clinics, it is strongly suggested and encouraged to attend at least one.

    Volleyball Clinic Registration Form

    Required Activity Waiver for Clinics

  • 2015 Volleyball Tryouts

    July 23-24

    Time to be determined and announced soon.

    All athletes should have their physical form completed by their doctor and be prepared to turn it in the first day of tryouts. A student cannot tryout without a completed physical.

    Required Physical Form for Tryouts

    All Clinics and Tryouts will be held at:

    Southern Performance Volleyball

    4759 Alton Ct

    Irondale, AL 35210

    (205) 957-0984

Legacy Sports Interest

    Check all sports that apply.