Join us for our 2020 Memory Verse Challenge! “E” reminds us that Even so it is God’s will for all to have eternal life. Share the good news with those around you! Don’t forget to review your A-D verses in preparation for December’s video challenge.
Join us for our 2020 Memory Verse Challenge. “D” reminds us to Draw Near. The greatest valentine we have ever received is Emmanuel – God with us. As you memorize this verse these next few weeks, take time to be with Him.
Join us for our 2020 Memory Verse Challenge! “C” stands for Come. The world challenges us to do, but God calls us to be. Accept His invitation from Matthew 11:28! See our previous posts for verses from “A” and “B.” We challenge you and your student
Join with us as we celebrate a Valentine’s Day like no other! BHC offers a community-wide event for homeschoolers with a valentine swap, a valentine box competition, as well as opportunity to connect with area homeschool families. CLICK HERE to learn more about this special eve
Join us for our 2020 Memory Verse Challenge! “B” stands for Behold! John 1:29 challenges us to open our eyes to the truth of what Jesus has done for us. Catch up on letter “A” – make a booklet, notebook, or simply a list. In December, we want to see vide
Now Accepting Submissions! December 1st — February 1, 2020 THEMES Category 1: Cubist Art (Ages 7-10*) Incorporate one characteristic of art from the Cubist period in your entry. Category 2: Rococo Art (Ages 11-14*) Incorporate one characteristic of art from the rococo period in your e
TeenPact Alabama classes will happen February 24-27 and March 2-5, less than two months away. There are a few spots left for both the One-Day and Four-Day Classes, and it’s not too late to register. TeenPact is a fabulous ministry that changes hearts and lives for God’s kingdom throug