Join us for our 2020 Memory Verse Challenge! “E” reminds us that Even so it is God’s will for all to have eternal life. Share the good news with those around you! Don’t forget to review your A-D verses in preparation for December’s video challenge.
Join us for our 2020 Memory Verse Challenge. “D” reminds us to Draw Near. The greatest valentine we have ever received is Emmanuel – God with us. As you memorize this verse these next few weeks, take time to be with Him.
Join us for our 2020 Memory Verse Challenge! “C” stands for Come. The world challenges us to do, but God calls us to be. Accept His invitation from Matthew 11:28! See our previous posts for verses from “A” and “B.” We challenge you and your student
Join us for our 2020 Memory Verse Challenge! “B” stands for Behold! John 1:29 challenges us to open our eyes to the truth of what Jesus has done for us. Catch up on letter “A” – make a booklet, notebook, or simply a list. In December, we want to see vide
Every 2 weeks in 2020, we are going to give our families a memory verse for students and families to commit to their hearts. Using the Gospel Alphabet developed by the Billy Graham Library, we will hide God’s Word in our hearts and minds. For the letter “A,” we are
We have completed the confessions and verses from Barbara Arbo’s True Confessions for Children. I encourage you to review these verses with your children while you are running errands, while you are sitting around the dinner table, or as you tuck them in bed at night. Take thi
How do you encourage your child to deal with bad dreams or scary thoughts? The verse this week is a great one for us to repeat when our minds are filled with fear, especially at nighttime. Confession: I am God’s beloved and my sleep is sweet. Proverbs 3:24, NIV When you lie dow
Happy Easter! I hope you are enjoying the celebration of God’s love today! John 15:13 states, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” As we continue with our confession from last week that is centered around the purpose of di
Probably the toughest part of being a parent is having to discipline and correct our children. You don’t fully understand this until you are a parent. There are times when we must tell our children “no” simply for safety and because we have wisdom/knowledge of the