8-11 pm (note the start time, it gets darker later in May and this also allows the kids to eat before Prom starts)
Cost: $70 per person (pay at the door), cash or check (if check make out to Gabrella Manor)
Open to any Homeschooler 9th grade and up, and a date, the date does not have to be homeschooled. Many kids come in groups that is fine as well.
Dress: Semi-Formal Boys need a suit or sport coat, Many girls will be in a prom-type dress. Note: I trust the parents on the dress, if the parents are ok with the dress I think I can be ok with the dress as well.
Snacks and drinks provided, NOT DINNER.
We have multiple Chaperones and everyone there who works at Gabrella is very familiar with our group by now and will have eyes open at all times. We have paid guards in uniform from the Sheriff’s Dept as well. Any parent that feels they simply must come with their child must pay to get in and be dressed for the dance.
We do allow parents to come in about 15 min before the dance to take photos and stay about 15 min after the dance begins, then we ask them to leave if they did not pay to stay…
Feel free to invite any other homeschool kids you know of.
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