BHC Easter Park Day 2023
Cahaba Lily Park 3200 County Road 52, HelenaJoin us for a traditional Easter egg hunt as well as spring fun! Bring plastic eggs (with or without goodies inside) and baskets for the egg hunt, and bring a prepackaged spring treat/drink to share (or bring your own snack for your children). Teens and older students can help with egg hiding if they prefer. Dads often join us on this day too! Bring kites and sport equipment for free time. Hopefully, we will have beautiful weather, but we will meet rain or shine and hide eggs under the pavilion if needed! For those who haven’t joined us in the past, we do hide tickets in eggs to redeem for prizes after the egg hunt. And here is our normal schedule: 1-1:30 pm – Families arrive and drop off eggs at designated area. 1:30-2 pm – Teens/Dads hide eggs at a designated location while children play or eat. We gather in grade level groupings for the egg hunt at 2pm. After the egg hunt, students look through their collected eggs for tickets and goodies. Empty eggs can be donated to BHC for use in the next year’s hunt, or you can take your collections home. The tickets are marked, and students will return to their age/grade level egg hunt area with their tickets to claim their prizes.