
Anniston Museums

Anniston Museum of Natural History 800 Museum Drive, Anniston, AL, United States

Join us for a field trip to two Alabama treasures:  Anniston Museum of Natural History & Berman Museum of World History Visit the BHC website for full details and to reserve your admissions BEFORE August 5th. https://birminghamhomeschoolers.com/event/anniston-museum-of-natural-history-berman-history-museum/


BHC Back to School Party

McCallum Park Rosemary Lane, Vestavia Hills, AL, United States

Join Birmingham Homeschoolers Community in celebrating the new school year!  More information on the BHC website at http://birminghamhomeschoolers.com

Essential Orientation Meeting (North)

Decatur Highway Church of Christ 1750 Decatur Highway, Gardendale, AL, United States

Join us for an evening of gathering together as a school community.  This meeting will be primarily informational for parents, and who doesn't enjoy an evening away from the kids? We will discuss Essential's purpose and  how we would like to see our community mature and grow together.  We have big vision for the future! In addition, we will discuss: Extracurricular opportunities Athletics How to access your Member Page Online resources High school details (to be shared at the end, so elementary-only families can scoot out) We hope you will save the date and make plans to join us whether you've been with Essential for a few months or for a few years.

Legacy v. Hope – Volleyball

Southern Performance Volleyball 4759 Alton Court, Irondale, AL, United States

Come cheer on the Legacy Lions as they play Hope Christian. Cost is $5/adult, $3/student - with a $15 family maximum. Fees are used to pay the game referees. Bring a lawn chair for seating.

$3 – $5

Essential Orientation Meeting (South)

Grace Church Chelsea 109 Foothills Parkway #104, Chelsea, AL, United States

Join us for an evening of gathering together as a school community.  This meeting will be primarily informational for parents, and who doesn't enjoy an evening away from the kids? We will discuss Essential's purpose and  how we would like to see our community mature and grow together.  We have big vision for the future! In addition, we will discuss: Extracurricular opportunities Athletics How to access your Member Page Online resources High school details (to be shared at the end, so elementary-only families can scoot out) We hope you will save the date and make plans to join us whether you've been with Essential for a few months or for a few years. Location will be in Greystone/280 area

Legacy v. ECHO – Volleyball

Southern Performance Volleyball 4759 Alton Court, Irondale, AL, United States

Come cheer on our Lady Lions! Bring a lawn chair for seating. ADMISSION: $5/Adult, $3/Student - with $15 family maximum

$3 – $5

BHC Splash Pad Day

Splash Pad at Clemons Complex 2192 Fieldstown Road, Gardendale, AL, United States

Join us for one last splash! We simply meet for park and water fun. Bring your own picnic lunch or snacks. This is part of BHC’s monthly events, and we hope to see you there!


ECHO v. Legacy

Southern Performance Volleyball 4759 Alton Court, Irondale, AL, United States

Come cheer on the Lady Lions! Bring a lawn chair for seating. ADMISSION: $5/Adult, $3/Student - with $15 family maximum (Typical admission costs)

$3 – $5

Legacy v. Success Unlimited

Southern Performance Volleyball 4759 Alton Court, Irondale, AL, United States

Come cheer on the Lady Lions! Bring a lawn chair for seating. ADMISSION: $5/Adult, $3/Student - with $15 family maximum

$3 – $5

Earth Science Week 2016

Although Earth Science Week 2016 will be celebrated on October 9-15, this international public awareness program offers education materials, information, and tools throughout the year. Since the American Geosciences Institute (AG) founded the program in 1998, Earth Science Week has supported teaching and learning about Earth system science, the study of how the planet's geosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air), and biosphere (life) interact. This year, for example, Earth Science Week is highlighting the theme of "Our Shared Geoheritage." Geoheritage is the collection of natural wonders, landforms, and resources that have formed over eons and come to this generation to manage, use, and conserve effectively. "Geoheritage awareness is essential for all citizens of the planet, who are the 21st-century inheritors, managers, and protectors of a vast wealth of irreplaceable natural treasures, billions of years in the making," says Geoff Camphire, AGI's Manager of Outreach. "Because Earth Science Week raises awareness of the vital importance of the geosciences and stewardship of the planet, the program's aims are perfectly aligned with those of educators and students celebrating Earth Day." The Earth Science Week website presents hundreds of free classroom activities, Spanish-language resources, videos, visualizations, webcasts, local events and organizations, competitions and awards, and careers information. The program reaches more than 50 million people worldwide each year through materials, events, school activities, and media coverage. Learn more about Earth Science Week at http://www.earthsciweek.org. ### Reaching over 50 million people annually, Earth Science Week has been led by AGI in cooperation with its sponsors and the geoscience community since 1998. Earth Science Week 2016 will be celebrated October 9-15, 2016. To learn more, please visit www.earthsciweek.org. To order Toolkits, please visit www.earthsciweek.org/materials. You may also call AGI Publications to place your order at 703-379-2480. ### The American Geosciences Institute is a nonprofit federation of geoscientific and professional associations that represents more than 250,000 geologists, geophysicists and other earth scientists. Founded in 1948, AGI provides information services to geoscientists, serves as a voice of shared interests in the profession, plays a major role in strengthening geoscience education, and strives to increase public awareness of the vital role the geosciences play in society's use of resources, resiliency to natural hazards, and interaction with the environment.