In Birmingham, you will find so many opportunities for your teens to have the social opportunities and fun that high school brings. Here’s an event that is sure to be an evening of memories. Essential does not sponsor this event at this time, but these dances are well established in the homeschool community:
Duration: 3 hr
Public Anyone on or off Facebook
~Cost:$60 per person. Pay at the door.
Cash, (or check made out to Gabrella Manor).
Cash, (or check made out to Gabrella Manor).
~Open to any homeschooled teen in Alabama and a guest, the guest does not have to be homeschooled.
~9th-12th grade.
~Dress: Semi-formal boys need a suit or sport coat a few will be in a tux.. Many girls will be in prom-type dresses.
~9th-12th grade.
~Dress: Semi-formal boys need a suit or sport coat a few will be in a tux.. Many girls will be in prom-type dresses.
Snacks and drinks provided. (not dinner)
We have ample chaperones. Any parent who feels that they must stay with their child needs to dress for the dance and pay admission to get in. Thank you!
Gabrella allows parents and students to enter 20 min before the dance for photos… parents who have not paid need to leave 20 min after the dance begins.
Gabrella is always beautiful and especially so when decorated for the holidays! Come and ring in the Holidays at the Jingle Bell Ball 2021!
PLEASE spread the word with all the homeschool groups you are involved with, getting the word out is very difficult.. I appreciate your help so much.
Any questions? please contact