Probably the toughest part of being a parent is having to discipline and correct our children. You don’t fully understand this until you are a parent. There are times when we must tell our children “no” simply for safety and because we have wisdom/knowledge of the result if they continue to follow their choice. There are times when we must also make them do something – like a math lesson! We do these things because we know what is best and what they need to know for the future – it is an expression of love.
As appropriate, take some time this week to discuss the reasons for discipline with your children and give them the reasons why you love them enough to discipline.
Because I’m a child, foolishness is in my heart, but because my mom and dad love me soooo…much they discipline me with a rod of correction early and drive foolishness from me.
Proverbs 13:24, NIV
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Please note that “the rod” is talking about discipline not physical harm, and notice that love is discipline that is “full of care.”